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Electric Vehicle Charging Simulator Toolkit

Welcome to the documentation for the Electric Vehicle Charging Toolkit, a comprehensive package that includes both the EV Charging Simulator and the EV Charging Assets projects. This toolkit provides tools, models, and simulations for managing and simulating electric vehicle charging infrastructure and assets. logo-no-background.png

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Getting Started
  4. EV Charging Simulator
  5. Usage Examples
  6. API Reference
  7. Configuration
  8. Advanced Topics
  9. EV Charging Assets
  10. Models
  11. Usage Examples
  12. API Reference
  13. Contributing
  14. License


The Electric Vehicle Charging Toolkit combines two essential projects:

  • EV Charging Simulator: Simulate EV charging scenarios, user interactions, and grid integration.
  • EV Charging Assets: Manage and model commonly found assets in EV charging stations.

This documentation provides a unified guide to help you understand, install, and use both projects effectively.


You can install the Electric Vehicle Charging Toolkit package via pip:

pip install ev-charging-toolkit

For detailed installation instructions and supported platforms, refer to the Installation Guide.

Getting Started To get started with the toolkit, follow these steps:

Import the Package: Import the toolkit package into your Python project. Configure Charging Scenarios: Set up and configure charging scenarios. Run Simulations: Execute simulations and analyze results. For detailed instructions and code examples, visit the Getting Started guide.

EV Charging Simulator The EV Charging Simulator project allows you to simulate EV charging scenarios, user interactions, and grid integration. Explore this section to learn more:

Usage Examples Explore various usage examples and scenarios in the Usage Examples section. Learn how to simulate common EV charging situations, analyze results, and integrate the simulator into your projects.

API Reference Refer to the API Reference for comprehensive documentation of the simulator's classes, methods, and attributes. This section provides in-depth technical information for developers and users who want to customize or extend the simulator.

Configuration The simulator allows for flexible configuration to adapt to different use cases. Learn how to configure charging scenarios, user behavior, and grid parameters in the Configuration Guide.

Advanced Topics Dive deeper into advanced topics such as:

Custom Charging Profiles Real-Time Interaction Grid Integration Strategies These topics provide insights into advanced usage and customization options for the EV Charging Simulator.

EV Charging Assets The EV Charging Assets project includes models and tools for managing commonly found assets in EV charging stations. Explore this section to learn more:

Models Review the available Pydantic models for EV charging assets in the Models section. These models can be used to validate, serialize, and work with data structures commonly found in EV charging stations.

Usage Examples Explore various usage examples and code snippets in the Usage Examples section to understand how to work with the assets effectively.

API Reference Refer to the API Reference for comprehensive documentation of the assets' models, classes, methods, and attributes.

Contributing We welcome contributions from the community! If you'd like to contribute to the Electric Vehicle Charging Toolkit project, please review our contribution guidelines to get started.

License This project is licensed under the MIT License. By using the Electric Vehicle Charging Toolkit package, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the license.